
How to Use Spndr.ca

Spndr.ca helps you know what you are paying for items you might like to buy.

To get started, tap "New Item" and enter in some information for an item you would like to compare. If the item is available from Superstore, you can paste the link for the item into the Superstore URL field.

Items will be grouped by category to make it easier to sort your shopping list.

Click on the buttons at the top to sort your items in various ways.

By clicking the + by each item, you can also see past prices to see how today's price compares. This also reveals the buttons for updating and deleting your items.

To toggle an item as completed (crossed out), just tap its name.

For a demonstration of Spndr.ca, you can find the "Insert Test Data" link at the bottom of your list to add several items to your list. Doing this will delete any existing items!

An Example List of items is shown below.

Watch for an upcoming video about how to use all the features of Spndr.ca!